Knowing the difference between Non-GMO and GMO-Free based products can be a life changer! Let me start by giving you the 411 on "GMO"!

What does GMO stand for?
GMO or Genetically Modified Organisms is known as a plant, animal or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified in a lab using genetic engineering. The scariest part of it all is that GMO's can be found in foods and skin/beauty products we consume on a daily basis.
"According to "" the main concerns around GMOs involves allergies, cancer, and environmental issues all which may affect the consumer." (
Am I a GMO expert? Umm...Definitely NOT!
Have I consumed GMO based products!? Unfortunately....OF COURSE!!
Now that I am "GMO WOKE" , I feel as though I can move towards a healthier "GMO-FREE" lifestyle by producing my own "GMO-FREE" 100% plant-based organic soaps and making it available to the everyday consumer (had to throw that in there lol); but by also sharing my current understanding of GMO with others, in hopes of improving lives and protecting our environment.
Benefits of Non-GMO & Organic
Non-GMO and Organically based products go hand in hand. When you see a product labeled as Non-GMO or 100% Organic it usually means the following:
Non-GMO: the genetic makeup of the plants and animals used in the product has not been altered during the production phase.
Overall the benefits of non-GMO & organic products:
Free of toxic chemicals
Better for the environment
100% Natural
Richer in certain nutrients
Free of growth hormones
Grown w/o the use of pesticides
Free of artificial preservatives, flavorings & colors
I will admit that navigating the world of organics and non-GMOs is still a challenge for me at times; but I believe knowledge is power and the more knowledge you have about the products you introduce into your "temple" the safer you will be.